Applicant Data Import Options

If you have applicant data that you would like us to import for you, we offer this as a one-time free service for all paying customers. The free import must be provided in the standard import format (attached below) and any files must be listed with filenames in the standard import CSV*. Additional data imports are available for a fee, after the initial free import. 

We also offer custom data import services for a fee if you would like our expert data analysts to handle the entire import process for you. Contact Support Services for more information on this option. Please make sure to send us a sample of the data you'd like us to import. 

NOTE: Applicants need a home before they are imported into the system, so all JOBS listed in your CSV file must already exist in your account before we can perform the import. If you want to take advantage of the free import, please create all jobs in your account - matching the title exactly as provided in your CSV. We can assist with a Job Import for a fee, so please ask if you need a quote for that service. 


Download the attached "applicant import template.csv" file. Follow the "CSV File Formatting Guidelines" provided below to make sure you are entering your data into the template in a format that we can import. 

Once you have your file ready, submit it to our experts: 

  1. Create a support ticket (check out the top of this page and click where it reads: + New support ticket)
  2. The Subject Line should include the words "Applicant Data Import"
  3. In the Description box, please indicate if you'd like the applicants to be entered as New Applicants or as Archived Applicants. If you have any questions, you can include them in this space as well. 
  4. Don't forget to attach your CSV file
  5. Hit the Submit button and one of our Support Servies Experts will contact you within 24 working hours. 

The following headers must be present. CSV File Formatting Guidelines:

first_name(required field)  Applicant’s first name.

last_name(required field)  Applicant’s last name.

address1 – Most US residential addresses will be in confined to this column

address2 – Additional address information would be added here

cityApplicant’s city

state – Two-character state abbreviation Refer to this list if needed.

zip – Should be "#####" or "#####-####" 

email(required field)  Applicant’s email address

phone – Applicant’s phone number

rating – Applicant’s assigned star rating (must be a number from 1 through 5)

applied_date – When did this applicant apply? The format should be YYYY-MM-DD

applied_for(required field) Job title of the position the applicant is applying for (must match the job title on your job posting)

status – Applicant’s status in your recruiting workflow
source – Applicant’s source (how did they hear about you?)

linkedin  url of Applicant’s LinkedIn profile; the format is[member-name/]x/y/z or

tags – any tags you want to be applied to the applicant’s profile (must be comma separated)

notes – Any additional text information you have on a candidate can go here. This information will be imported into the Activity Tab, NOT the Notes Tab. 

gender - should only be: left blank, Female, Male, I prefer not to answer, Non-Binary, or Another gender identity

race/ethnicity - should only be: left blank, Hispanic or Latino, Not Specified, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, White, Black or African American,  Two or More Races (Not Hispanic or Latino), or "American Indian or Alaskan Native"

veteran status - should only be: left blank, Not a Veteran, Choose not to identify, or Protected Veteran

disability - should only be: left blank, I have a disability, I Don't Wish to Answer, or I don't have a disability. 

coverletter_file - file name of the cover letter if files will be attached. 

resume_file - file name of resume if files will be attached. 

Additional columns for other_file1, other_file2, other_file3, other_file4, & other_file5 should be added and used for additional files that will be attached to the import. 

For any applicant custom fields that are created, an additional column should be added to the file with the header being the field name. 

If we are unable to validate your file, we'll offer you the option of checking for formatting issues and correcting issues on your own. You may also request that we correct these errors for you, but this service will come with a fee. We'll give you a quote before you have to decide. 

Common Errors to avoid: 

  • Unusual characters will cause the import to fail, so if you note anything other than the standard characters used in these kinds of fields, they will need to be removed before the file can be uploaded. 
  • For some reason, the system is super picky about dates. They must be in this format:  YYYY-MM-DD
  • The rating column cannot have a zero (0) in it. You can leave it blank if you don't have a rating for that applicant.

What if I have files I want to Import, too?

You can also include files like Resumes, Cover Letters, or other documents in PDF form. This does require a little extra work to get these documents mapped properly so they will upload to the proper applicant. If you can do this mapping work yourself, this service can still be included in your one free upload. If you need our team to map them for you, we'll have to provide you with a quote based on the number of files and applicants. Here's how you would map these files for inclusion:

In your CSV file, you would add a column titled "resume_file". In this column, you would add the exact name of the file for the corresponding applicant. You would then provide us with the file in addition to the formatted CSV so they can be uploaded together. You can also have columns for "coverletter_file" or "other_file1" "other_file2" etc for any additional files for that applicant. 

In the CSV available below, you can see examples of formatting for these columns, but it's important to note that as long as the file name is unique, it does not need to follow the lastname_resume or lastname_cover format. As long as the file name matches what you have added in the column, the PDF should appear in the correct applicant profile. 

As always, we're here to help. Reach out if you have any questions!

*Please note that if the data team is required to format or clean up the files provided, the import will be priced according to the size and complexity of the file.

Free Applicant Data Imports can take up to 10 business days for requests without Applicant Files (like resumes or cover letters, for instance) but are usually completed much quicker. If your import includes files it can take longer, depending on the size of the import and the quality of the CSV file.