You now have the option to create a recurring job ad posting in any of the paid job boards. This allows you to automatically refresh your paid job board ad every 7 to 30 days (the rate that the auto-refresh can be set to depends on the job board). Each recurrence of your posting will be charged the usual posting fee or sponsored amount for the job board where the ad is posted.

1. Click on the three dots located to the right of the job title on the position you want to advertise from your dashboard and select Post to Job Boards from the list.

2.  Add the paid job board(s) you wish to post your job on to your shopping cart by hitting "Add" and then entering the information required when checking out.

3. There will be a recurring job posting option to toggle ON or OFF during the selection process. You may see different recurring options to select depending on the job board itself. (7-30 days)

If you select a recurring payment option during your job board selection, When you are ready to cancel the recurring posting simply go to the Post to Job Boards page for the recurring job you wish to cancel and click "cancel" or "end campaign" next to the recurring posting. This is found by hitting "Post to Job Boards" when clicking on the three dots to the right of your job title in your dashboard. Once on that page, expand the reports menu and cancel/end the job advertisement for that job board. 

If there are recurring paid ads on the job, you'll see them listed under the "Paid Postings" portion of the Reports section circled below. There will be the name of the job board and next to it, you'll see the option to "Cancel" or "End Campaign" depending on the type of ad that is active. 

That's all there is to it!