Video interviews can be a great way to prescreen applicants and easily identify the best candidates in your talent pool. You will only be charged for completed video interviews, meaning the applicant has recorded at least one response to your video interview request.

1. To create a Video Interview request, click the Select Action button on the applicant you wish to request a video for and choose Request Video Interview from the drop-down menu.


2. On the Send Video Interview Request pop-up dialog box, click Begin Video Interview Request to get started.

3. Your video interview request wizard will open up in a new tab. Your candidate should be listed on this page along with the job he or she applied for. Click Continue to next step.

4. On the Questions step, you can either add questions by clicking the Add new Question button or, if you have previously created a question set, you can click the Select your Question Set button. 

a. If you have not previously created a Question Set, you can create one by clicking Libraries (in the black bar at the top of the screen). Don't worry, you'll still be able to continue your video interview request after you create your Question Set.


b. Then click the ? Questions tab:


c. You can edit or remove any of the questions as well as changing the length of time you wish to give the applicant to answer each question.  

d. When your new Question Set is complete, click on Video Interviews in the black bar at the top of the page, then click COMPLETE it to continue.


You will be taken back to the Candidates page. Click Continue to next step, select your new question set from the next page.

Once you have created and selected your questions, click Continue to next step once again.

5. The Introduction Video function is not currently enabled; click Continue to next step.

6. The Dates & Communication page will allow you to edit the language, the date the interview request expires, and the email correspondence templates that the applicant will receive. Once you have made and saved any edits, click Continue to next step.

7. On the Summary page, you can confirm your selections or make any edits needed to each section by clicking the link provided under each section. When you are satisfied with your selections, click Invite 1 candidate for Video Interview

That's it! Your candidate will receive an email request for the Video Interview. When he or she has completed the interview it will appear in the Video Interviews page of the Video Interview hub and also on the Files tab of the applicant's profile in the application viewer. 

Video Interviews hub:

Files tab of application viewer:

Please note: SMS is not currently available when scheduling interviews

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